One screen you will want to make use off anytime you want to change when or how your people check-in is the check-in scheduling screen.
Use this screen to set the frequency of the check-ins for your employees. This can be done at organisation level (which would apply the frequency to everyone) or adjusted individually based on department, manager team or personal basis.
This screen looks similar to our question-setting screen, but only allows the control of the check-in itself, and not the individual questions.
To access the check-in scheduling screen
- Head to the 'Organisation' tab in the platform header menu.
- Select 'Check-ins' in the secondary menu.
- From here if you are using multiple check-in schedules you can navigate to the organisational level the schedule you need to amend is at (Organisation, Department, Team, Person).
- Use the three-dot menu icon to the right of the schedule you want amend to edit.
- From the edit screen, you can change the schedule's name, start and end dates and frequency.