Perform & Engage 365 helps your managers and their teams to have honest, meaningful conversations in the workplace. That’s because companies are more successful (and profitable) when their people are treated as humans not resources. Managers are better equipped to understand and respond quickly to issues. Leaders can make critical decisions based on facts not hearsay. And working alongside happy, engaged people makes better business sense.
The Perform & Engage 365 platform on web and in Microsoft Teams helps you to make a real impact on your company's performance.
Step one: Review your options
1. The best place to start it the Getting Started for Admins section of our Knowledge Base. This includes a quick Orientation for Admin users to give you a good overview of what each part of the Perform & Engage 365 platform does, but there are also lots of step by step guides included too.
2. Decide which functions of the tool you would like to get started with (this will differ depending on your subscription package). You can decide to rollout everything upfront (for those who are pretty comfortable with performance management processes already) or you can introduce them one function at a time.
- Check-ins
- Goals/OKRs
- Conversation templates (this can range from being a simple 1:1, survey form to an annual review template)
Step two: Planning your launch
You can rollout as soon as you'd like to, but you'd also have access to a dedicated Customer Success Partner who can guide and lead you at every step of the way.
To help give you a better idea of the steps you can take, here are a couple of suggested approaches you can take.
1. A phased approach
This approach is the most common choice for organisations and would be where you choose to rollout Perform & Engage 365 and its core check-in function to everyone first. Once your teams are happy and comfortable submitting their regular check-ins you can then look to roll out the other functions such as goals/OKRs and conversations. This rollout approach can range from taking a couple of weeks to a month.
You can also phase your rollout even further and simply onboard certain department groups or teams one at a time rather than all users upfront (depending on how large your organisation is).
2. An all in one approach
This approach is best for those organisations who are already familiar with and use certain performance processes such as goals/OKRs or reviews elsewhere. Those who have a complete understanding on how they should work for them can configure and implement them as part of the onboarding experience and bring them all into one simple tool. By rolling out the other functions upfront in this way, users will be able to hit the ground running and can progress with existing/expected performance management processes right from the off.
For momentum package accounts (50 users) you will have a dedicated CSP on hand to lead and host your rollout not matter which approach you choose.
Step three: Setting up your Perform & Engage 365 organisation
Once you have decided on your rollout plan you can go ahead and complete the setup of your organisation account.
1. Create your departments
Create your department groups. Departments can be used for anything from actual departments to project or team names and are a useful way of grouping users. This is a very useful section as once created you can also choose to add specific check-in questions or goals/OKRs to those assigned to those groups at a later date. You can also later provide certain users with department level admin permissions where they can access all the date for those in that department group directly.
2. Setup your employee check-in
Configure the questions you would like everyone organisation wide to receive and also decide when the very first check-in should start. Any questions set at organisation level will be sent to all users but you can also add additional questions at department, manager team and personal level too. To help give you inspiration you can also add questions from our extensive question bank!
3. Setup your Goals/OKRs and/or conversation templates (not essential for initial rollout)
It would depend on which approach you are taking for your rollout, but if you are looking to choose the all in one go approach then now is the perfect time to get all your additional content such as any templates and organisation wide goals/OKRs added in. These can however be added and introduced to users at a later date.
4. Add your users
You can setup a Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) integration and choose to pull in your user information from there or you can manually add them. You can also bulk upload your users in one go making it super quick to do for those which much larger teams!
We also integrate with Microsoft Teams and by your internal IT team following a quick couple of steps, you can have these switched on and the Teams app applied to everyone within minutes.
- Add users manually
- Add users via bulk upload
Add/Sync users via Microsoft Entra ID (previously Azure Active Directory)
Step four: Official launch
Introduce Perform & Engage 365 to your users and let's get rolling!
You can now introduce us to your teams however you feel is best, but we do have a couple of email templates and guides to help with that too.
- Introducing Perform & Engage 365 to your executive team
- Introducing Perform & Engage 365 to your managers
- Getting started guide for managers
- Introducing Perform & Engage 365 to your employees
- Getting started guide for employees
For Momentum package accounts (50 users) you can also have all of your onboarding sessions hosted live or pre-recorded for you by your dedicated CSP.