As an admin you have the ability to create any type of conversation template for your organisation to use directly within Perform & Engage 365. One of the more popular templates we see users creating is a probation review.
Managers and admins can run a probation review within Perform & Engage 365 once a template is created.
To get started with your probation review template
- Click on the 'Conversations' tab
- Alternatively, select the cog icon in the top-right of any Perform & Engage 365 screen, then choose 'Conversations'
- Go to 'Review Templates' tab and select 'Create New Template'
- Select the type of template you wish to create from the options provided
- Give your template a name and select whether you would like to create a template of your own or choose an available template from the Perform & Engage 365 bank.
- To create your own version select 'Start from scratch'
You then have the option to create a basic workflow or custom workflow.
Custom workflow provides you with flexible customisations for your template where you can create multiple stages and add in pop up information or notifications, whereas the basic option will just provide a one stage only template.
- If you choose Custom, you will need firstly need to create a stage. This is the first step to your template cycle.
- Give your stage a name, description and select those who you want to have access/visibility to the template at that stage.
- You will now see your stage appear within the workflow cycle screen.
- Continue to add as many stages as you wish for your template workflow.
Once you have created your stages you can begin to create your probation conversation template.
- To start, you will need to create a section.
- Select 'add new section'
- Give your section a name or description
- Input any introduction text you wish to add for this section.
- Select the stages you wish this section to appear/be visible in (custom workflow only).
- Select those who you wish to be able to view the section.
- Now your section is created you can start to add in your content.
- Click to add new element.
- Select the element type you want to add and input the required details for that element including selecting who has access to respond to it and at what stage it is visible.
Continue to add in as many sections and elements as you want for your template.
If you need help with deciding what elements to add here, then try giving these Perform & Engage 365 blogs a read:
- Probation review questions all managers should ask their new staff
- Running an effective probation review
- Why a probation review is essential for your new starters?
Once you have added in your content you can choose to preview the template by clicking the preview option on the top left.
When you are happy with your template, you will need to bring it to life by creating a template plan.
To create a template plan (brings the template to life and makes it accessible to Perform & Engage 365 users)
- Go back to the conversations dashboard and click the ‘Plans’ tab.
- Click to Create New Plan.
- Give your plan a name.
- If you want the probation review to only be used by a specific department select which one from the optional department box. If you want it to be available to all leave the default all option.
- Next, select the probation conversation template you have created.
- Now select how you would like the template to be generated from the available options: ad hoc, specific dates, repeating, employee start date.
Your plan will now be created but be in draft status.
To launch the plan simply hover your cursor over the in draft status icon and click to set to live.
Your template will now be live and will run to your required schedule including any custom workflow actions.