The conversation function within Perform & Engage 365 facilitates all kinds of performance management processes and best practices.
You are able to evaluate performance regularly using our customisable review workflows and cycles, which include stages such as employee self-reflection, peer feedback, manager feedback and calibration analysis. All questions and settings are configurable meaning you are able to preselect what users respond to question wise and even in what order. You are also able to select who has permission to view certain sections of the template meaning any required calibration can be done really easily as part of the whole process rather than later down the line.
The best bit - Conversation templates can connect to check-in question responses and goals, creating the perfect agenda for any performance management conversation! The conversation will become much more meaningful as users are able to refer to the recorded feedback and reduce any recency bias which is typically found within these types of processes.
What is performance management?
The big challenge for any sized organisation is to maintain an effective working relationship between your people and the value they deliver. Performance management is therefore a holistic process centred on two way feedback, which aims to maximise the value created and ensure all employees understand the aims of not just their role but the organisation overall.
A regular performance review process helps to establish the organisational mission and strategy, improve performance amongst people and teams as well as the organisation overall, but also hold people to account for their own performance.
Using the conversation templates within Perform & Engage 365, organisations are able to provide a simple but consistent approach to performance management, where users are able to regularly evaluate their performance, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and plan for future success.