This quick reference guide will help you navigate all the areas of Perform & Engage 365 you’ll need to get up and running.
The 'Me' Tab
The 'My Team' tab
Your profile page
The ‘Me’ Tab
This is your personal hub for everything you do on Perform & Engage 365. It is available for all users by default.
The 'Me' tab on Microsoft Teams
On your 'Me tab' you can:
- View your profile name and image, and who your check-ins will go to (usually your manager).
- Explore your check-in history
- Access your past and current performance conversations (Momentum users only)
- View your Goals or OKRs (Momentum users only)
- See and complete any training available or view completed training
- Send or request ad-hoc feedback
- Complete your next check-in
The 'Me' tab on web
On your 'Me tab' you can:
- View your profile name and image, who your check-ins will go to (usually your manager) and the day and frequency your check-in is due
- Explore your check-in history
- Access your past and current performance conversations (Momentum users only)
- Send or request ad-hoc feedback
- Access any employee files uploaded to your profile
- See and complete any training available or view completed training
- Complete your next check-in
- Explore the mentions and pass-ups you have received
- View your Goals or OKRs (Momentum users only)
The ‘My Team’ tab
As a manager, you will have access to the ‘My Team’ tab that allows you to see how your direct reports are using Perform & Engage 365 and provide feedback on their updates.
The 'My Team' tab on Microsoft Teams
On your 'My Team' tab you can:
- See the members of your team
- Review, edit, add, and archive any set goals or OKRs
- View key updates and stats from the individual members of your team (clicking on their profile picture will open a more detailed employee profile overview for you to explore)
- Review check-ins, view past check-ins, or send a reminder notification if a check-in is overdue
The 'My Team' tab on web
On your 'My Team' tab you can:
- See your 'To do' list which will include check-in reviews, performance conversation updates and more
- Review, edit, add, and archive any set goals or OKRs
- Review, edit, add, and archive team and personal-level questions
- View key updates and stats from the individual members of your team (clicking on their profile picture will open a more detailed employee profile overview for you to explore)
- Review check-ins, view past check-ins, or send a reminder notification if a check-in is overdue
Your Profile Page
Note: Currently this can only be accessed through the Perform & Engage 365 web platform.
To access your profile page, select your own avatar image and select 'settings'.
This acts as a profile admin page for you. From here you can change your personal details, password, upload a profile picture and manage your vacation (so you don’t get Perform & Engage 365 notifications while away).