It is possible to cascade goals to others in the Organisation.
Cascading will automatically create goals at lower levels of the organisational hierarchy, helping create alignment with strategic goals.
This functionality is available for admins at the 'Organisation' scope level, department admins at the 'Department' scope level and team managers at the 'My Team' scope level.
To cascade a goal:
- Navigate to the correct scope level (i.e. to cascade to everyone in your team, select Scope: My team
- Click 'Add Goal'
- Fill out all of the required properties of the goal
- Click on 'Cascade' at the bottom of the modal
- Follow options:
- You can select to maintain the existing level goal if you want to keep full alignment, otherwise goals for each underlying employee/team/department will be created
- Underneath the 'Save' button you will see the number of goals which will be created by this action
- Clicking 'Save' will create the cascade
- Note: You cannot bulk modify the goals once cascaded. However, you can go into each created goal and modify it.