Perform & Engage 365 empowers managers and their teams to drive positive engagement across the business, improve performance management processes and help build a better workplace culture, starting with a simple 10-minute employee check-in.
The Perform & Engage 365 platform includes tools to help you manage:
- Employee feedback
- Goal setting
- Staff recognition
- Employee visibility
- Performance reviews
- 1:1s
- Collecting 360-degree feedback
- Team analytics
- Training & certification
To get started, you will first want to learn about navigating your way around Perform & Engage 365:
1. Your Perform & Engage 365 Profile
Next, you will want to learn about the basics of the Perform & Engage 365 check-in:
1. What is the Perform & Engage 365 check-in
3. Reviewing my team’s check-ins
4. Managing my team’s check-in participation
5. Creating check-in questions for your team
Once you’re happy with the basics, here’s some more advanced check-in stuff:
1. What is a pass-up/pass-across?
2. Viewing your team’s question history
3. Change the day and frequency of your team’s check-in
4. Accessing a team member’s profile page
5. Adding employees to your team
After the check-in, comes goals (skip if using OKRs instead or none):
1. Getting started with goals in Perform & Engage 365
3. Creating goals for individual employees
4. Completing or archiving goals
Or OKRs!
1. What are OKRs in Perform & Engage 365
3. Creating OKRs for individual employees
4. Completing or archiving OKRs
And here are some useful additional resources for managers:
1. How managers can impact employee engagement using Perform & Engage 365
2. How do I give recognition in Perform & Engage 365
3. How recognition impacts employee engagement
4. Webinar: Introducing ‘Powerful Questions’
5. Best practice guide: How to maximise employee participation of Perform & Engage 365
If you have any questions, explore the Help Center, or contact your HR team and they can get in touch with us on your behalf.