A 360-review is a process through which feedback from an employee's peers, managers, wider colleagues, and even external contacts can be gathered.
To create a new 360 template, as an admin:
- Go to the cog icon and select Conversation Templates.
- Go to 360 Review Templates tab and click Create New 360 Template.
- Give your template a name and select whether you would like the 360 feedback visibility to be anonymous, transparent or optional.
- Click Create.
- Now it’s time to create your 360 content.
- Click to add a new element.
- Select the element type you want to add and input the required details for that element and click create.
Continue to add in as many elements as you want for your template. You can move your elements around by clicking and dragging the three dots on the left hand side.
When you are happy with your 360 template you will need to create a Review Template for it to appear and be usable.
- Click to go back to Conversation template Configuration dashboard
- Select your chosen template
- If you are adding the 360 to an existing template go into the template and click to add in the 360 element. You can then select the 360 Template you have created from here.
- If you’re creating a new template for the 360 to appear in, click to create a new template.
- Go to the conversation template configuration dashboard and click the templates tab
- Click to create new template
- To start with you will need to create a section.
- Click Add Section
- Give your section a name or description.
- Input any introduction text you wish to add.
- If you have a custom workflow set up, select the stages you wish this section to appear/be visible in.
- Select those who you wish to be able to view the section.
- Now your section is created you can start to add in your content.
- Click to add new element.
- Select the 360 element and input/set the required details for that element including the access and stage visibility.
Continue to add in as many sections and elements as you want for your template
If you are happy with your template you can now create your plan which will bring it to life.
- Give your plan a name
- If you want the review to only be used by a specific department select which one from the optional department box. If you want it to be available to all leave the default all option.
- Next select the template you have created.
- Now select how you would like the template to be generated from the available options: ad hoc, specific dates, repeating, employee start date.
Your plan will now be created but be in draft status. To launch the plan simply click on the draft status icon and change it to live.
Your template which includes your 360 will now be live and will run to your required schedule including any custom workflow actions