Go to the Conversation Template Configuration dashboard
- From the cog Click 'Conversations Templates'
- Click on the ‘Plans’ tab
- Click ‘Create New Plan’
- Give your plan a name
- Select the department who you want to use the template or select 'All' - which will make the template accessible by everyone in the organisation
- Select the conversation template you wish to use
- Select the Schedule you want the template to follow.
- Ad hoc – this allows chosen users to generate the template as and when they want to use it.
- Specific dates – this allows you to create a specific schedule for your template to run to. Give your schedule a cycle name, select the start and end date range for the template to cover and then select your chosen date for the template to be automatically be generated. This is the day the template will launch for your chosen users.
- Repeating – this allows you to select a weekly or monthly cadence for your template to launch and run to.
- Employee start date – this allows the template to be automatically generated the day an employee user is enabled/added to Perform & Engage 365.
Once you have chosen your schedule click Create.
Your plan/schedule will now be in draft status.
To launch (make your template live and accessible), click the status 'In draft' and change to 'Set to Live'.
Need a little more help? Here's a video >