Employee management is crucial within Perform & Engage 365 to ensure that every employee is assigned to the right manager and in the right department.
During onboarding, we will support you to create all required departments and teams, and assign all employees accordingly. However as and when things change, you will need to move employees around to reflect their new role or team. We can support here if required.
To amend the team or department for an employee:
- Head to the ‘Organisation’ tab.
- Select ‘Manage’ in the secondary menu bar.
- This will open up your organisational structure as it is set within Perform & Engage 365.
- Here you will initially see the top of the organisation – meaning employees who have no assigned manager.
You now need to locate the new team the employee needs to be moved to.
- Use the blue organisational hierarchy buttons on the right-hand side of the manager who is at the top of the organisation for that employee.
- This will then jump down one layer of the organisation.
- Repeat this as much as required to get to the correct team.
- Once located, use the drop-down menu to the bottom of the screen to locate the employee that’s being moved.
- Use the ‘Move user to this team’ button to finalise the move.
If you have a large number of employees that need to be moved, contact your Customer Support Partner at Perform & Engage 365 to discuss a bulk update.