Perform & Engage 365 empowers employees and their managers to have more open conversations about employee experience, align when it comes to key goals or targets and help build a better workplace culture, starting with a simple 10-minute check-in.
By providing frequent, honest feedback you will help shape the culture and performance of your organisation.
class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; background: white;" Welcome notification
Once your account is created on Perform & Engage 365 and enabled by your manager (or an administrator) you will receive a notification via email or a workplace platform such as Microsoft Teams.
Click on the link within the notification to get started - this will allow you to set up your password. If your company uses Microsoft 365 or G-Suite, you may also be able to verify your account using these options.
class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; background: white;" To get started, you will first want to learn about navigating your way around Perform & Engage 365:
1. Your Perform & Engage 365 Profile
3. Orientation
Next, you will want to learn about the basics of the Perform & Engage 365 check-in:
1. What is the Perform & Engage 365 check-in
3. How do I know when my check-in is due?
4. How to send and request ad-hoc feedback
5. Turning on vacation/holiday mode
After the check-in, comes goals (skip if using OKRs instead or none):
1. Updating goals as part of your check-in
4. Updating goals outside of your check-in
Or OKRs!
1. Updating OKRs as part of your check-in
3. Editing OKRs
4. Updating OKRs outside of your check-in
And here are some useful additional resources to get you started:
If you have any questions, explore the Help Center, or contact your HR team and they can get in touch with us on your behalf.