Goals can be set at several different levels (or scopes) which allows cascading and alignment.
The following scopes are available within Perform & Engage 365:
- Organisation: Goals that should be visible to everyone and are important to the success of the whole organisation (can be created/edited by admins only). When creating a goal at Organisation or Department level a ‘Responsible Person’ should be set. This person might not be specifically responsible for achieving that goal directly but they will be responsible for providing any progress updates on the goal (via Perform & Engage 365 check-ins and/or the goals screen).
- Department: Specific goals for people in certain department groups only (can be created by admins or department admins only). Organisation, Department and Team goals will be visible to anyone within each of those scopes (for example everyone in the Sales department will be able to see Sales goals).
- Team: Goals set by a manager that are visible and important to the whole team (can be created by team managers or admins only).
- Personal: Personal goals which are specifically set by an individual or their manager for them only
In the Perform & Engage 365 goal framework goals can also be aligned to any level above (although this may be restricted by the organisation).
For example, a personal goal might align to a team or department level goal which then acts as a parent goal. (You may only align to a department goal if you are a member of that department group).