How to change your password:
Once you’re logged in, making changes to your profile is simple. In this section, we’ll go over the different settings you can change to modify your profile, starting with your password.
To change your password, click the button with a gear icon on it. This button appears in the top right of your dashboard, next to the button with your initials on it. Clicking it will create a dropdown menu with several options. The fourth one down is ‘Change Password.’ Click it.
On the next screen, you will see three text boxes. In the top one, enter your old password. In the middle, enter your new password. Then enter the new password again into the third box to confirm it, and press the blue ‘Change Password’ button underneath. If you have done this correctly, the page will be reloaded. This time, there will be a green tick banner near the top, which reads: ‘Password changed successfully.’
Profile settings:
To make other alterations to your profile, click the gear icon in the top right again. This time, choose the top option, ‘User Settings.’ You’ll be moved to a page with a list of profile options, which we’ll go through in order.
First is the option to change your profile picture. You may not have one yet if you’re still logging on for the first time, so feel free to pick one. To do this, click the white ‘Choose File’ button to the left of the profile photo section. This will allow you to upload a picture from anywhere on your computer. Once you’ve chosen, click the blue ‘Upload’ button to the right.
The second section is the ability to adjust how you get reminder notifications for your report. If you are set up on Teams, you'll have options to receive your reminders through them. But by default, there are two options:
- Email. This is the default option, and is available to all Perform & Engage 365 users.
- SMS Message (A text message sent to your mobile). This option is only available to users within the UK.
The third section is ‘Account Type.’ As an employee, you won't have access to this feature, and it will be greyed out. Its purpose is for managers and admin to give individual users specific levels of permission on the Perform & Engage 365 platform. By default, your account should be set to ‘Standard User’ unless your manager has specified otherwise.
The rest of the boxes allow you to change the first and last name of your profile, as well as the email address that you receive notifications to. Simply enter the new information in the relevant box, and click the blue ‘Update’ button underneath.