Highly engaged managers lead to highly engaged teams so it’s important for managers to model the behaviours they hope to see from the team.
This means managers need to review Perform & Engage 365 check-ins in a timely manner and offer feedback to their team as well as shining a light on the great work being done or challenges faced.
See how you can review and feedback on your team's Perform & Engage 365 check-ins here.
If you find an individual on the team has missed a Perform & Engage 365 check-in or series of them then it is best practice to speak with that individual. However, you can first send a gentle reminder from within Perform & Engage 365.
To do this:
- Go to the ‘My Team’ dashboard of your Perform & Engage 365
- Here you'll see a list of all your direct reports.
- Under the column ‘Last check-in’, if any check-ins have been missed from the latest round, you'll have the option to select a ‘Remind’ button next for each employee that has not completed their most recent check-in if you hover over the ‘Overdue’ status.
- This reminder will be sent out immediately via email or if you are using Perform & Engage 365 in Microsoft Teams, a Teams notification.