Note: Currently this can only be done via the Perform & Engage 365 web platform.
One of the first steps you'll want to take when setting up Perform & Engage 365 for your business is check out your own profile page.
This is accessed via the white cog icon in the top right corner of the platform’s main menu bar and selecting ‘User Settings’.
This will bring you to the ‘Profile’ tab of the ‘User Settings’ section of the platform.
From here, you can amend your personal details if needed (first name, last name, email etc.) change how you receive your notification reminders, switch languages and add a profile picture.
Top tip: Adding a profile picture is recommended to help employees feel more ownership over their Perform & Engage 365 profiles.
Just below the main Perform & Engage 365 menu bar you will see several tabs giving access to additional ‘User Setting’ pages:
- Notifications – controls for your Perform & Engage 365 reminders
- Password – for changing your password used to access Perform & Engage 365
- Vacation – to set any vacation dates for you. This will pause Perform & Engage 365 check-in reminders for that period.
- Delegate – allows you to grant and remove permissions for another user to access your account.
- Followers – add or remove followers who can see your Perform & Engage 365 check-in updates and provide feedback.
- Following – request to follow other Perform & Engage 365 users so that you can view their updates and provide feedback.