Good news! You don't need to remember when your check-in is due.
You'll receive a notification to complete your Perform & Engage 365 check-in either via email, Teams or on your mobile app on the day a check-in becomes due. This will happen on a regular basis depending on the cadence set by your organisation Perform & Engage 365 admin.
If you'd like to submit a check-in more often, then you can also complete an ad hoc check-in at any time you choose too.
Some users like to build up a draft of their Perform & Engage 365 check-in throughout the week, and wait until the due day before hitting submit and that's totally fine too.
Complete your Perform & Engage 365 check-in
On your dashboard page select the blue ‘Complete Check-in’ button (or ‘Complete Ad-hoc’) and this will open your Perform & Engage 365 check-in.
When you are ready to submit an update, you'll be presented with 1 or 2 sections to complete: Questions (all) and Goals or OKRs (if applicable).
Your update will be visible to your manager by default, and any followers if you have them set-up. The top of the update displays who can see your update.
You'll see several questions which have been set by your organisation’s admin and/or your manager.
Question types may be open or mandatory but will also vary between text, rating, multiple-choice and recognition type questions.
For text-based questions, you can select the rich text option to create a more detailed response and attach files where relevant.
When you have a recognition type question you can use “@” to search for and tag a person to recognise the great work of a colleague. Anyone you recognise in this manner will immediately receive a notification and a permanent recognition mention will be added to their profile.
Goals and OKRs (Momentum users only)
If you have any goals/OKRs set in Perform & Engage 365 then at the bottom of any check-in questions set, you'll also find them displayed. This means as part of your regular check-in process you are able to provide progress updates and any additional comments, where you have them to make.
Goal/OKR progress from your last Perform & Engage 365 check-in will be auto-populated, which means if you don't have any progress updates to make one week, you don't have to update anything.
If your Goal or OKR has been met or has passed its due date, you also have the option to archive the Goal or OKR and this will remove it from your next check-in.
Once you are done providing your check-in feedback and updates simply click 'save draft' to save and hold your submission where it is or click 'submit' this will submit your check-in for review by your manager.