When setting up your organisation in Perform & Engage 365 for the first time, it is best practice to assign groups to your team members.
In Perform & Engage 365 you do this by creating and assigning departments. A department group could be anything from a specific function, team name, team geography, seniority, or any other way you split and identify your teams.
This is important for two main reasons:
- You can set department group specific questions and goals (or OKRs) which improves the relevancy of the Perform & Engage 365 check-in to your employees.
- You can view data at a department level, helping you investigate where employee engagement and performance is strongest or weakest.
When adding users for the first time you may include department group names on your bulk user upload csv. or you may already have department group names in your existing Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD). If this is the case then the departments will be applied to your users when uploaded or during an Entra ID sync automatically.
To create a new department group in Perform & Engage 365:
- Head to the ‘Organisation’ tab.
- Select ‘Departments’ from the secondary menu bar.
- Under the ‘Add New Department’ section, add a department name to the text field and then select ‘Add+’.
- This will create a new department group
- By selecting the edit button to the right of the new departments row, you are also able to add department group administrators. These department admin users will have access permissions to view/create/edit anything at this department group level.
To assign a new department group to a user:
- Search for the user using the search bar on the top right
- Alternatively go to organisation > manage
- Find the user within the organisation structure
- Hover of the department area until you see an edit icon appear
- Click the edit icon
- Select and assign the department group name from the available list (users can be a member of up to 4 department groups)
- Click save
- Once assigned the user will be included in anything related to that specific department group.