Competency upload form header descriptions
This document shows you how to fill in the competency upload csv form for Perform & Engage 365. If you have any problems with your upload form, contact your Customer Success Partner for help.
Before you make any changes to the sample csv form that you downloaded, open and save it as an Excel document. Otherwise, your changes won't be saved. After you fill in the upload document, you need to save it as a csv again so that you can load it into Perform & Engage 365.
*group (text) - this is the name of the competency group for example Business Skills
*title (text) - this is the name of the competency within the group for example Strategy & Planning
*desc (text) - this is a short description to help the employee understand what the competency is about and will appear under the title.
long desc (text) – this is additional information to help the employee understand what the competency is about and what levels may be expected. This information will appear as a pop-up box on the review template. If the long description column is populated then the pop-up box will appear instead of the short description on the review template.
*identifier (formula) – this is an identification field and is populated by a preset formula which combines the title and the person property value fields.
*range low (numerical)– this is the lowest scale in your range, 0 will count as one increment.
*range high (numerical) – this is the highest scale in your range.
*increment (numerical) – this is increment in which your ratings go up by, usually by 1 or 0.5
valid from (date) – this is the date the competency is valid from. If no date is needed, leave the cell blank.
valid to (date) – this is the date the competency is valid till. If no date is needed, leave the cell blank.
*order (numerical) – the order in which you want the competencies to appear. If no order is needed, put 1 in the cell.
*required (text)– if the competency ratings are mandatory put TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
*labels (text) – there are pre-defined labels already populated in the sample csv that can be used. If any changes are needed the following format of start and end brackets and surrounding speech marks are needed: [“xxx”,”yyy”,”zzz”]
*allow moderation (text) – use the default of FALSE
*default weight, weight unit, dynamic weight, min weight and max weight – use the default options as already stated within the csv.
*is global (text) – if all employees within the organisation are to get exactly the same competencies then put TRUE, otherwise FALSE. If FALSE has been entered then department, person property and person property value fields do not need to be populated.
*departments (text) – if the is global field has been populated as TRUE and the competency is department specific then add in the department that is to be allocated the competency that is being created. Note the spelling must be the same as it is in your Perform & Engage 365 platform.
*person property (text) – if the is global field has been populated as TRUE and the competency is role, or location or grade specific then add in the name of the person property that is to be allocated the competency that is being created. If the competency is role, put Role, if location put Location and for grade, put Grade.
*person property value (text) – if the person property field has been populated add in the full job title if its role defined, you can also add in employee or manager if you have specific competencies just for managers or employees only. Add the location name if location specific or if its grade the level of grade to be allocated the competency that is being created.
expected levels (text) – if the person property value field has been populated with job title you may have different competency levels that are required for that role for example a customer success manager maybe required to demonstrate an intermediate level for a competency whereas a senior customer success manager maybe required to demonstrate a more advanced level. If expected levels are not required, leave this field blank.
*Mandatory fields that need to be completed in the csv.